Wie trennt man dünne Stämme am besten auf?
Von Wood-Mizer, Deutschland
In some sawing situations, thin bars with a diameter of around 10cm need to be cut in the middle, for example for horse fences or similar. The main problem here is the clamping and the danger of sawing into exactly these clamps.
For saws with manual clamps, this kind of job is really tricky and should be avoided. For saws with hydraulic log handling, the clamping height can be adjusted to a suitable level. Then the relatively light logs are placed by hand and the clamp is simply opened and closed. If the logs are too different in thickness, they need to be sorted and the height of the side support and clamp adjusted.
A sawing situation in which 12x12 squared timbers have to be sawn from thin round wood, for example with a diameter of approx. 16cm, is not very lucrative for a band saw, it takes a long time, at least four cuts have to be made and not much is added to the pile.
If the logs are of fairly equal thickness, two can be placed next to each other and cut at the same time. The first clamping must be done carefully; a hydraulic clamp is also an advantage here. It is turned by hand and after four cuts two pieces of squared timber are finished.